





Installed Power: 


373.4 MW


Number of Turbines/Type: 


4 Kaplan turbines (3 main Powerhouse + 1 secondary Powerhouse)


Length of Dam + Spillway:


1,300 m + 1,500 m


Spillway Flow: 


9,593 m3/s (TR = 10,000 years)




230 kV Transmission Line with 20 km, interconnecting the plant with the Laranjal do Jari SE - AP


Total Reservoir Area: 


31,7 km2


Reservoir Extension:


28 km length


Water Reservoir Renovation: 


1,5 days


Reservoir Water Volume: 


133,39 million m³


Average Depth: 


9,5 meters


Basic Environmental Project: 


Implementation of 38 environmental programs in the physical, biotic and socioeconomic environments.


Preliminary Environmental License: 


PL. Nº 337/2009 issued on 12/08/2009 - Ibama


Installation Environmental License:  


IL. Nº 798/2011 issued on 06/03/2011 - Ibama


Reservoir Filling: 


March 2014


1st unit Generation: 


August 2014*


2nd unit Generation: 


October 2014*


3rd unit Generation: 


December 2014*




* Dates referring to the start of the testing project of the generating units.